(In)Valuable, (In)Visible
Hardware & Software
With Eva Kreuger

Created multiple button pressing robots
Black Pencil – Caioni Codex
2023 – now

Creating live visuals for Ensemble Black Pencil.
Paulien Barbas – In Fis
Hardware & Software
Earth Day
Software and Hardware
With Lefki Mevissen and Disney

Creating custom led buttons and led controllers.
Figi – Out of Touch
Videoclip for Figi made using my own custom software
At the beginning of March 2020, just before the lockdown in Italy, Daspo invited Jaromir Mulders to participate to some of the concerts they had planned to present their first record Samenreis.
The concerts were cancelled, but that day a team of skilled friends and professionals gathered to record an audiovisual document of the concert that would have been, in Napoli at L’Asilo.
This is A PORTE CHIUSE, a non-live streamed concert with no audience.
Demo Festival
Short video made for Design in Motion festival. The visuals are created using flocking algorithms to create patterns and shapes in a self-evolving composition.
About Demo:
A festival celebrating the finest motion from the finest studio’s, designers, upcoming talents and art academies from all around the world. Showcasing work for 24 hours on all 80 digital screens located in Amsterdam Central train station.
Filter Family
With – Studio Lonk & Mark Ijzerman
How will we live in 2030? Studio LONK designed the interactive installation ‘Filter Family’ for Leolux during Dutch Design Week. Users are invited to move the panels and create a more personal or shared environment, resulting in changing soundscapes. Read more at: studiolonk.nl/en/project/filter-family
Nocturne Nuit Noire
Installation for the Nocturne Nuit Noire event. The installation is based on the movie Nocturne from director Viktor van der Valk and film-noire in general.
In the installation different fluid algorithms are used to simulate smoke, water, paint or something in between.
The installation runs in real time so no image is the same.
Live Visuals
Playing live visuals with Pakvis at Grasnapolsky.
Floris Kappeyne Trio
Live Visuals
Playing live visuals with Floris Kappeyne Trio at Bimhuis.
Algorave Ekko
Livecoding, Visuals and Audio
With – HKU Music and Technology
For the Algorave at Ekko i created a Audiovisual Livecoding system.
Jimmy Woo Lounge
Visual programming
With – Studio Oooh and V3rs Design
For the top floor of the Jimmy Woo club we have designed a grand interactive sculpture that is inspired by a traditional hand-fan with light. Beams of LED-light function as the fan’s constructive core. While a composition of sanded mirrors functions as the fan’s body, creating new sight-lines while adding to the overal eclectic oriental spirit of the club.
for more info:
Visuals, Programming and Composition
With – Jentley Drieman
An audiovisual theater piece. It consists of three compositions that question what it means to be happy.
The New Body Project
Hardware, Programming and Sound Design
With – Astrit Ismaili
Inspired by the uncanny evolution of DNA editing technologies such as CRISPR, The New Body debuts a new wearable instrument designed by Ismaili that emits the sound of a chorus. Ismaili’s instrument envisions a self-sustaining organism that transcends the body’s limitations by adding science fiction-inspired accoutrements. For The New Body, Ismaili sourced human voices, which are then transformed into different soundscapes that are triggered by various movements. Ismaili’s interest in science fiction and fantasy, hermetic self-sustainability and choral multi-vocality explores notions of queer community solidarity and autonomy in times of political populism.
This performance was part of the Spring Performance Festival 2018 and took place on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 March. The Spring Performance Festival is an annual festival of performances that has been initiated by Kunstverein Amsterdam and Galerie Juliette Jongma.
Anne 3.0
Programming, Composition.
With – Saskia Burggraaf
2017 – now
Hardware, Programming and Sound Design
with – Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ
Creating and maintaining instruments for the education department of Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ.
Hardware, Programming and Composition
with – Anne Hazenleger, Isabelle Schuurmans and Wout Jansen
Tinytopia is a project about the importance of identity. The projects is a tent on the Minitopia terain. In this tent you can hear a radioplay. Outside of the tent there are multiple instruments that play by themselves and create and ambience around the tent.